C - Receive a Purchase Order

MSC button.png

This function receives a PO into inventory.


Press C to open a list of POs.

Select the PO to receive into inventory.


MSC screen.PNG


The Receive a PO screen lets you select the parts to receive.


MSC screen 2.PNG


Select yes to receive the parts into inventory.


MSC screen 3.PNG


Enter the vendor's invoice number.


MSC screen 4.PNG


Select yes if the PO has been complete filled.


MSC screen 5.PNG


Select yes to generate a PO receipt report.


MSC screen 6.PNG


Orion generates a printable PO receipt report.


MSC screen 7.PNG


Select yes to print item labels for the items received.


MSC screen 8.PNG


Configure the labels and press F8 to start printing.


MSC screen 9.PNG