F1 - New Quote/Edit Quote

MQF1 button.PNG

This function creates or edits a quote.


Select the customer.


 MQF1 screen.PNG


From the Quote Item entry screen, you can add items to the quote.


MQF1 screen 2.PNG


Once you have finished adding items, press Esc to return to the Quote Items screen.


MQF1 screen 3.PNG


 Function Key


F1 - Quit / Save Quote

Exit the quote either saving it or discarding it

F2 - Print Quote

Print the Quote

F4 - Continue Entry

Reopen the Quote Item Entry screen to add more parts

F5 - Header Page

Return to the Quote screen customer and shipping address information is

F7 - Delete / Edit

Delete or edit the Quote

F8 - Quote Total

Generate the total of the Quote

F9 - Set Discounts

Set a discount for parts or labor on the quote.

This is a bottom line discount applied to the total parts and total labor of the quote.

S - Scan Mode

Scan a barcode or enter a UPC code, adding that part to the quote

O - View On-Hand

View the on-hand quantities of items in the quote