F3 - Security

S-F6 Security button.png


 S-F6 Security screen.PNG




Default Value

Use System Security?

Enables Orion’s security system. Disable Logon Screen must be set to NO for security to be active. For more information on Orion’s security features, System Security


Disable Logon Screen?

Do you want to disable the logon screen? If set to YES, then this grants any user access to all features of Orion.


Negative Quantity Ordered Override?

If set to YES, an Administrator or Manager will have to approve all product returns on Sales Orders.  Requires that System Security be turned on.


Negative Quantity Ordered Override Level

Used to specify if Administrator or Manager approval is required to approve a product return.  Requires that System Security be turned on.


Limit Returns?

If set to YES, product returns will be limited to a certain number of days from the date of purchase AND only the amount purchased during this period will be eligible for return, unless approved by an Administrator or Manager.  Requires that System Security be turned on.


Days to Limit Returns

Days to limit returns.  Requires that System Security be turned on.


Limit Returns Override Level

Used to specify if Administrator or Manager approval is required to approve returns outside of the allowed period or for more than amount purchased.  Requires that System Security be turned on.



For more information on Orion's security features, see Security.