G - Invoicing and Order Entry


Menu Path from Main Menu

M - G or A


The Invoice/Order Entry menu lets you create:

  • Sales orders

  • Invoices

  • Credit invoices


In Orion, the point of sale function is split into two parts. Initially a sales order is created, which commits inventory from the inventory file and moves it from on-hand to committed. A sales order can be saved and then reopened multiple times and modified as needed. Once a sales order is completed and all items on the sales order have been finalized, it can be turned into an invoice. Once the sales order has been turned into an invoice, the inventory is removed from committed and is no longer available in the system.


An invoice can be...

  • Reopened as a sales order by using M-G-U Undo an Open Invoice

  • Voided by using M-G-F2 Void an Open Invoice

  • Reprinted by using M-G-F3 View/Reprint and Invoice or from G-F5 Account History


If a customer is returning parts, then a credit invoice can be created by entering negative order and shipping quantities on a sales order. This will put the items back into inventory and credit the customer's account.


It is possible to add new customers and new parts via the order entry screen. This prevents the user from having to exit an order to perform these functions. 




Function Key


F1 - Invoice/Order Entry 

Create or edit a Sales Order

F2 - Void an Open Invoice 

Void an open invoice

U - Undo an Open Invoice 

Reopen an invoice into a Sales Order

V - Undo a Credit Invoice 

Reopen a credit invoice into a Sales Order

F3 - View/Reprint an Invoice 

View an invoice

F5 - Logout Current Salesperson 

Log out the current salesperson

F6 - Open Orders 

View a list of open Sales Orders

F7 - Open Orders by Salesperson 

View a list of open Sales Orders by salesperson

F8 - Print a Packing List 

Print packing slip for an invoice

F9 - Release In-Use Sales Order 

Release an in-use Sales Order

F10 - Delete Open Sales Order 

Delete an open Sales Order

F - List Open Future Orders 

View a list of open future Sales Orders

C - Convert Future Order to SO 

Convert a future order into a Sales Order

F11 - Advanced Invoice Search 

View a searchable list of invoices