H - hpCommerce Price File

H button.png

This function imports new or updated product information from a spreadsheet file.


Press H.

The hpCommerce Price File Import screen opens.

Press F1 to open a browser to navigate to the import file.

Carefully work through the import options.

Press F8 to start the import.


N - hpCommerce price import screen.PNG




Default Value

Last Price Update

The last time that a price file was processed


Price File Location

File name and location for the price file


Add Product Lines that don't exist?

YES imports new Product Lines that may be in the PGP file


Add items that don't exist?

YES imports new items into Orion. If you say YES to this option but NO to the Add Product Lines option, only new items for existing Product Lines will be added.


Update existing items?

Specify YES to update existing items. If NO is selected, then only new items will be added to Orion.


Update True Cost?

If set to YES, the true cost in Orion will be set to be equal to the dealer cost in the PGP update file.


Update Base Cost?

If set to YES, the base cost in Orion will be set to be equal to the dealer cost in the PGP update file


Use prices in update file?

Select YES, if you want to update Orion with the prices specified in the update file. If NO is selected and “Recalculate selling prices” is set to YES, the prices will be updated using one of two options:

  • If “Preserve custom item markups” is set to YES then prices will be calculated using Base Cost from the update file and the current markup on the existing items will be maintained when calculating a new price.

  •  If “Preserve custom item markups” is set to NO then prices will be calculated using Base Cost from the update file and the markups established for an existing PLC will be used.  If the PLC does not exist prior to the import then the System Level markups will be used, see [S-F6] System Preferences.


Recalculate selling prices?

YES will recalculate selling prices for existing items.


Preserve custom items markups?

If set to YES, then the current markup on the existing items will be maintained. If set to NO, then the markups established for an existing PLC will be used.  If the PLC does not exist prior to the import, then the System Level markups will be used, see [S-F6] System Preferences.


Overwrite item description?

If set to YES, the item descriptions for existing items will be updated with descriptions from the import file.


Set Price A to suggested list?

Motor State does exhaustive research to determine “real world” Suggested List Prices. You can use this to your advantage by setting your Price A to their Suggested List price.


Add/Update Vendor cost?

If you want to have these parts added to the vendor cost section on part maintenance, specify a vendor by pressing F2 and select the vendor.


Account #

Automatically generated number if a vendor is selected.



Vendor name if one is selected using F2