How to update hpCommerce Orion

Instructions for updating hpCommerce Orion to the newest build.  To avoid loosing your hpCommerce Orion data and/or damaging hpCommerce Orion it is important to follow these instructions:

  1. Start at the computer that is the "main" hpCommerce Orion computer.  This is the computer that Orion is installed on and the computer that has the Orion data.  It will be called the "Main" computer throughout the rest of these instructions.
  2. Use the link at the bottom of this page to download the current build of Orion.  Store this download on the Main computer in a location that you can remember how to get to.  But first read through these instructions.
  3. Exit out of Orion on the Main computer.
  4. Exit out of Orion on any other computer at your business.  For best results we recommend you shut down all computers except for the Main computer.  Please be careful to not overlook computers that are running UPS's Worldship product or other integrated shipping software as they may be connected to the Orion database too.
  5. Make sure you understand where hpCommerce Orion is installed on your Main computer.  The default location is C:\Users\Public\hpOrion.  But this may not be the case for you.
  6. If this is the first time that you have updated Orion then create a folder to save your Orion backups.  We suggest that you create and use this folder C:\Users\Public\hpOrion_Backups.

Once you have completed the above steps then follow these steps to update hpCommerce Orion:

  1. On the Main computer open the file called OrionInstallationWizard.exe that you downloaded in Step 2 above.
  2. Carefully follow the prompts as the Orion Installation Wizard walks you through the process of updating Orion to the newest build.


How to Download the hpCommerce Orion Update