B - Start/View/Edit a Bill of Material

MDB button.PNG

This function lets you start, view, or edit a Bill of Material.


MDB screen.PNG


 Function Key


F1 - List/Scroll

View a list of BoM

F2 - Advanced Item Search

Search through a list of BoM

F8 - Add (Long) 

Create a new BoM. This option offers more customization than F10.

F10 - Add (Quick)

Create a new BoM.


MDB screen 3.PNG


 Function Key


F1 - Edit 

Edit the BoM

F2 - Alternates 

Establish a list of alternates for when this BoM is not in Stock

F3 - Show Vendors 

Specify the vendors from whom this BoM is normally purchased

F4 - Qty Pricing 

Establish Quantity Price Breaks for the BoM

F5 - Utilities/Reports 

Utilities and reports used to modify the BoM or to report on pricing and cost changes 

F6 - Delete 

Delete the BoM

F7 - Purchase History 

Generate a list of every time that this BoM has been stocked or received into inventory

F8 - Sales History 

Generate a bar graph of the last 13 months of sales for the selected BoM

F9 - Detail Info 

List detailed inventory, sales, markup and margin information

F10 - Label 

Print a price label

F11 - BoM Items 

Specify the component items of the BoM

F12 - Memo 

Used to add, edit, or delete a memo for the given BoM. The user can specify if this memo should print on Sales Orders, Quotes and Invoices or only appear on the Add Item dialogue when the user is adding a BoM to an order.

C - Calc Pricing 

Cost and price out a BoM based upon its components

I - Instructions 

Used to add, edit, or delete instructions for the given BoM

S - Stock Check 

Check inventory for the needed parts to create the selected BoM