F9 - Account Class Codes


Menu Path from Main Menu

S – F9


The Account Class Maintenance Menu allows you to create classes and subclasses that can be assigned to customers to better categorize them.


As customers are added to Orion, they can be assigned to an account and account subclass. These accounts and subclasses can be used to categorize and track customers.


You could use this to separate customers out by the type of racing they do: oval track, dirt, sprint, etc. A subclass could then be assigned based upon the region of the country: midwest, west, east, southeast. In this way, you could then create a report or print mailing labels for just a specified group of customers that meet a set of criteria based upon this class and subclass.


S-F9 Account class main screen.PNG


Function Key


F2 – Edit a Class 

Edit the currently selected account class

F3 – Add a Class (Main) 

Add a new main account class

F4 – Delete a Class 

Delete the currently selected account class

F7 – Add a Class (Sub) 

Add a new sub account class