G - Customer Management


Menu Path from Main Menu



The Customer Management menu lets you control all aspects of customer accounts.


Ideally, you should create a customer account for any customer that you sell to more than once. Once created, a customer account is available for use over and over again during sales order creation or payment options. Customer accounts can contain valuable information, such as:

  • Location

  • Contact information 

  • Sales information

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Credit terms

  • Credit hold

  • Credit limit

  • Pricing levels

  • Taxable status


G - Customer management main screen.PNG


Function Key


F1 – List/Search

Search a list of existing customers

F10 - Add Customer 

Add a new customer


G - Customer management selected screen.PNG


Function Key


F1 - Edit Customer 

Edit the current customer

F2 - Order Entry 

Open the Sales Order Module

F3 - Backorders 

Show backorders and statuses

F4 - Note File 

Add additional notes to the customer account

F5 - Account History 

View account history for the customer. This shows all transactions and documents which can be reprinted from this screen. Account history is also useful to identify:

  • Invoice number

  • Sales order number

  • Payment number

  • Deposit number 

F6 - Mailing Labels 

Print mailing labels 

F7 - Open Orders 

View open orders for the customer

F9 - A/R Aging 

View aging of the customer's A/R balance

F10 - Invoice Listing Report 

Generate a list of all the customer's invoices for a specified period of time

1 - Account Profile 

View all information for the customer account

3 - Shipping Addresses 

Manage alternate shipping addresses for the customer

6 - Statements 

View a printable statement of account for the customer 

7 - Pricing Matrix 

Create and manage special pricing for an individual PLC for this customer

C - Credit Cards 

Manage credit cards associated with this customer. This feature is available only if you are using XCharge integrated credit card processing. 

D - Delete Customer 

Delete the current customer

E - Alternate Emails 

Manage email addresses, including alternate email addresses

P - Payment / Deposit 

Open the Payment / Deposit Module

S - Item History 

Create a sales history list of items for the customer

T - Email Stmt & Open Invs 

Email a statement of account and a copy of each open invoice to the customer